
Let’s start with REUSABLES

Nov 5, 2020

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan, 

Let’s start with REUSABLES. 

It’s time to start thinking about the environment and how your actions affect it. With every sustainable change you make no matter how small will have a positive ripple effect that will inevitably make for a better planet. 

So let’s start with sustainability at its core….

While chucking your plastic water bottles into a recycling bin does help as recycling has definitely become a larger part of a modern lifestyle the unsettling fact remains that 91% of plastic is not recycled. When we started our Less-Waste journey we started with the easily identifiable options such as our daily take away coffee or the water bottle i’d grab at the end of the shopping isle and making an a point to actually take my reusable bags to the shops instead of leaving them in my boot.

There is more you can do to take part in the green movement and switching to reusables is the best place to start. 

Reusable water bottles, reusable coffee cups, reusable containers, Straws, cutlery, shopping bags, razors and even make up remover pads instead of always opting for the disposable option. Add up how many take away cups or water bottles, or disposable razors you have accumulated in your life and now think where it all ended up? Not a pretty picture and one that can be tackled with a good quality reusable. Obviously start small with the things you know you can stick to, the ones that you can maintain throughout and then add as you go. You will be surprised how much of an impact you can make by just one reusable swap… And remember there is no “away”.

Some of our Faves you can find in store at The Refillery or on-line. 

Water bottles

Coffee cups

Straw set

Make up remover pads

Shopping bag
